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Ethereum $OiOi FTs ⛵

Ethereum $OiOi FTs has decided to be circulated on the BASE blockchain by Prof. NOTA. This Ethereum $OiOi only can be claimed by staked the ROTY BASE dETH, The Melting Land, and the Amanda Wives NFTs.

This is the way you can get the Ethereum $OiOi Fungible Tokens.

The Ethereum $OiOi FTs can be claimed by staking the ROTY BASE dETH, The Melting Land, and the Amanda Wives. Please stake your NFTs, and claim your reward on the staking contract.

For more info can be read in Prof. NOTA's Discord.

On the Ethereum L2 (BASE) blockchain there only 47,474,747 $OiOi and the Ethereum $OiOi FTs value is 1 $OiOi ~ 0.747 $ETH ~ 0.0474 $BTC in Prof. NOTA's Discord.

— Source #1: $OiOi FTs on the block explorer

— Source #2: ROTY Staking GitBook

The Objectives...

  1. Incentivize holders for participating in developing and setting the story of The Melting Land.

  2. Utility tokens to use for participating in decision-making processes within the OiOi Community.

  3. Utility tokens to be used by the OiOi Community, in the territory of ENDHONESA Country in The Melting Land.

Holder Benefit...

Last updated

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